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Lessons To Learn From Eyjafjallajokull

April 19th, 2010

The massive disruptions to everyday life caused by Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull volcano continue to play out before our eyes.  The biggest victim currently is the airline industry which is reportedly losing $250 million every day due to the no fly restrictions.

The lesson to learn here is that major events like this volcano eruption can cause major disruptions to the “systems” that we rely on.  Whether it’s travel, food, water, security, power, etc. these systems are not magic.  They are complex systems that can be disrupted.  We take for granted that everything works automatically.

Major volcano eruptions like this can cause disastrous consequences such as major food shortages, flooding, and more.  Add volcano eruptions to your list of reassons to take the necessary steps to prepare your family for any type of uncertain future.

On a side note, it is crazy to think of the frequency of major geological events these days.  The earthquakes in Haiti and Chili are still present in our minds, and now the incredible images of this massive volcano in Iceland are all over the news.  You’d think more people are buying into neo-survivalism… then again, maybe they are.

Natural Disasters

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