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Tensions In America Continue To Increase

The divisions within American between various groups continue to intensify.  A few weeks ago we saw the continuing tensions between Arizona and Los Angeles over the illegal immigration legislation.  I think this will continue to be a source of tension, specifically for the southwest region of America.

Today, we saw the tension over the proposed Mosque that will be an enormous structure built on the site of the World Trade Center.  There are several major sources of tension that we should continue to see increase in America:

  1. Tensions between ethnic groups (illegal immigration, Muslims)
  2. Increased crime and other results from a lasting economic recession/depression
  3. Political tension will increase and divisions will increase as well move into 2010 elections and especially the 2012 election season

The country is a long way away from the brief unity that was felt immediately following the 9/11 attacks.  Instead of focusing on self-reliance, responsibility, and hard work to re-build this country, Americans seem to rather point fingers, blame politicians, and borrow money to sustain their lives.

Be sure to keep a low profile and be able to protect yourselves.  If you saw the recent video of the SEIU members storming the lawn of the Bank of America exec, I think it’s something that will continue especially as the main street economy crumbles.  You don’t want to have the appearance of having money as more and more people get broker and broker.


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