Bugging In vs. Bugging Out
In the case of a true emergency, it’s good to have plans to evacuate your primary residence if need-be. For me, someone who lives in the Suburbs with really no place to go outside of my area, I wonder how realistic a “bug out” is for me and my family. I brought up the question to Net Ranger, a frequent contributor to the site, to get his thoughts. His thoughts are below:
If I am anything, I am resourceful. Transplant me into the suburbs, the inner city, doesn’t matter, I’ll make it with whatever I can. Don’t get me wrong, I’d prefer to be way, way out as long as I have resources. The problem is that there is a REASON there are no houses out in the middle of the desert: its very difficult to live out there.
Places where there are no people are places that people don’t want to be, usually. Essentially what I am saying is that a happy medium has to be stuck. I realize I appear to be rambling but I am not. The deal is this, there is an optimum place to be. That place is not in the most remote, desolate, place in the country. It probably isn’t the most lush green valley either because thats probably where everyone will try to go.
Many people, such as myself, when confronted with people that intend to bug in within the suburbs simply say, “You’re dead.” They’ll simply dismiss the idea and walk away. There are definable disadvantages to a suburban bug in when compared to say, my place.
Lets first examine why the suburbs are there. It pretty easy, really. They are there because there is a city nearby. The city is noisy and crowded and stinky, however, the city has JOBS! The suburbs are there because the city has jobs but is a less than optimal place to live. However, WTSHTF, the cities are not what they were. Literally, they are no longer cities, they are nothing but the “Shities”. Really. They will be nothing but miles of human filth. Massive sewage backups when the processing machinery and lift pumps stall. So, now, the reason for the creation of the ‘burbs is gone. But, most of the people will be gone too. Guess what? Your influential neighbors that left? Yeah, you’ll have new neighbors and I’m betting they won’t be interested in helping you trim your hedge.
The biggest problem with the suburbs is that you will be a target for looting. This can be fixed by trashing your own place. Board up the windows and spray paint the crapola out of it. Make it look like the last place you’d want to either loot or squat in. Break out your associations manual. Take it step by step. Whatever they say not to do, thats probably what you want to do. Joking aside, a nice looking place amongst a bunch of trashed out places will be encircled and attacked repeatedly until they get everything they want.
Since there will be many other people around, probably from the war zone of overflowing toilets, formerly known as “The City”, you’ll need security. See my gun article. While a guy out in the wilderness could really get along with much less armament, in the suburbs, I’d go with a top level but drop the need for the longer range arms (30-06, etc) and trade it for another AR or Mini14 or other high rate of fire firearm, maybe even a 44mag pistol. Also, add 50% to the ammo stocks. You might very well need it.
I see one of the main difference between a remote bug out and a suburban bug in is that you’ll have to live inside almost the whole time. Outside the human wolves will be looking for anything they can devour. I think the thing I would do is make sure I had a basement but make it look like I didn’t. No windows, no outside access and then once TSHTF, modify the inside so there appeared to be no access. Retreat to there and just stay there until its over. Essentially, find a crack in the rock and stay there until the danger passes.
I see suburban bug in as a temporary measure only. It is doable if you have a basement or a bunker you can hide in. Maybe even above ground will work if the house is brick and you can securely board up the windows and the doors are heavy enough to secure. Once things start coming back, you’d probably be OK. If you store enough food and energy to get you through the emergency you can then come out of hiding and start working with whoever or whatever gets things under control. However, in a TEOTWAWKI situation, I do not see a suburban bug in as doable. Eventually you will run out of water, power and food. Even if you have 10 years worth, someone with bigger guns and more ammo will eventually find you and take it.
Another problem is the political implications. In the suburbs you really do have a good chance of getting a one way ticket to camp FEMA. Now, I know this is a bit tin-foil hattish, however, the do-gooder government WILL round people up. It may not be nefarious in nature (though I find it hard to believe that ANYTHING this government does ISN’T nefarious) but they will require you to leave because they don’t think you have the resources to survive, even if you do. And if you show them you do, they will confiscate your accumulated supplies, I’m sure, “for the greater good.” In the initial stages staying in your suburban bugout location will require hiding from the authorities.
If they are painting black Xs on the doors, after they evacuate people, be sure to have the same spray paint and paint yours the same one night when they get close. Then, if they still bust down the door, hide. If they find you, shoot to kill. They are invaders. One of the things you’ll find is the wolves will find ways to get army “costumes” and police “costumes” and they con people into giving their stuff up to “The Authorities”. They’ll be looking for you.
If you think good times are returning, yeah, bug in and hunker down to wait it out. But, if you think its TEOTWAWKI come on over. You can party with the rest of us… while we’re planting and surviving. Seriously, you have to have someplace to go for TEOTWAWKI. If it gets that bad, you have to go someplace. I don’t think growing a garden in the back yard will be possible. There are people out there that will not want you to make it and will destroy whatever you create (or take it for themselves). …and who can blame them? When it comes to life or death situations: Always cheat. Always win.
So, in summary, suburban bug out, long term, forget it. Short term? Its doable. The problem then arises when you get a temporary YOYO and you’re doing OK, but, now you realize, OOPS! This is a long term situation. Now what are you gonna do? You are trapped! The roads will be a mess. There will be people gunning for anything that moves. The only way you can probably get out is with an armored vehicle and lots and lots of gas. But, where you gonna go? River bridges will either be destroyed or require BIG crossing fees, or you’ll just get ambushed.
Seriously, if you think it might possibly by TEOTWAWKI, you’re better off coming here with me and sleeping in a cardboard box.