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We’ve Lost Our Survival Instinct

I’ve been watching the History Channel’s “America: The Story Of Us” mini-series.  It’s a pretty cool production, probably not the most accurate, but the acting and film work make it worth watching.  One of the things that has stuck out to me the most has been the part that discusses the first settling of America by the European settlers.  It is truly amazing the courage and adventurous spirit that it must have taken for these people to sail across the Atlantic and create a new life in a completely strange and unsettled world.  Truly amazing.

One thing that I didn’t realize was that the pilgrims that landed at Plymouth after sailing over on the Mayflower… after settling, the Mayflower went back to Europe!  They had no way to return home.  It was either they make it or die trying.  Talk about survivalism.

This nation was founded by individuals with the most rugged sense of survivalism and the most dogged determination to survive and create a new life for themselves.  How far we have come since then.  Nowadays, we live in a country where tens of millions would have no idea how to feed themselves if they couldn’t go purchase food from a store.  We also have millions that refuse to get up and work in order to support themselves; instead, they expect government welfare and assistence programs to take care of their basic needs.

The prosperity and policies of this nation have softened millions of our citizens.  In fact, it seems like the people with the best work ethic these days might be many of the illegal immigrants who work tirelessly to attempt to create a better life for themselves.  Sound familiar?  So, how can we get back to this?  How can Americans get back to sefl reliance and survivalism?

I believe the following steps would help get our country back to its roots:

  1. Make people become self reliant unless they have a legitimate disability that prevents them from being able to do just about anything.  This requires ending most welfare programs.
  2. Encourage the public to learn basic survival & life skills like growing food.
  3. Remove the presence of government from many aspects of life.  Cut taxes and cut the size of government.

It’s time for a revival in terms of self-reliance in this country.  It’s time for America to look back to the brave individuals who first came to this country!


  1. May 8th, 2010 at 01:58 | #1

    Oh Yeah! You think good thoughs!

    Let me assure you, the spirit is there. Its dormant but its there. One little spark and you’ve got a bonfire again. Yeah, we’re soft and over weight. But, you should see what those fat ass guys can do when they realize whining won’t get them anything anymore. They are like spoiled children but when Dad puts his foot down, they’ll get cracking.

    America is a very GOOD place. One only has to land on web sites like http://neithercorp.us or http://shtfplan.com or http://claysamerica.com or http://shtfmilitia.com to see it.

    Go there! It will inspire you. America is alive and well she’s just taking a snooze while the burglars are in the house. When she wakes up, there is gonna be hell to pay!

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