
Posts Tagged ‘water’

The Most Important “Prep” You Can Own?

July 4th, 2010

There are a range of items you can purchase and accumulate in order to prepare for uncertainty in your lives.  None might be more important than a water filter.  We all recognize that water is the most important thing for us to have.  We can go much longer without food than we can without water.  We need it and we need lots of it.  Unfortunately, water is bulky and tough to store large quantities of.  And, no matter how much you store, you will eventually run out depending on the circumstances.

A water filter guarantees acceptable drinking water as long as we can find a water source.  Where I live in Florida this really isn’t too difficult.  For me, I already had some stored water and some purification tablets.  Adding a water filter essentially completes my water preparation strategy.

I chose to purchase the MSR Miniworks Microfilter since it is one of the most popular water filters on the market, and it is relatively inexpensive.  At this point, I felt it was necessary to add the item to my preps.  Down the road, I may consider adding a Berkey Water Filter or one of the Katadyn water filters.

General Preparedness